Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud-Part III


With Microsoft Introducing next generation of Azure deployment via Azure Resource Manager (ARM) we can avail significant performance improvement just by upgrading the VM's to latest versions (From Azure V1 to Azure V2). In all case the price would either be same or near to same.
For example- if you are upgrading a DV1-series VM to DV2- Series it gives you 35-40% faster processing for the same price point .

It is not enough to shut down VMs from within the instance to avoid being billed because Azure continues to reserve the compute resources for the VM including a reserved public IP. Unless you need VMs to be up and running all the time, shut down and deallocate them to save on cost. This can be achieved from Azure Management portal or Windows Powershell.


If you delete a VM, the VHDs are not deleted. That means you can safely delete the VM without losing data. However, you will still be charged for storage. To delete the VHD, delete the file from Blob storage.

14. When an end-user's PC makes a DNS query, it doesn't contact the Traffic Manager Name servers directly. Instead, these queries are sent via "recursive" DNS servers run by enterprises and ISPs. These servers cache the DNS responses, so that other users' queries can be processed more quickly. Since these cached responses don't reach the Traffic Manager Name servers, they don't incur a charge.

The caching duration is determined by the "TTL" parameter in the original DNS response. This parameter is configurable in Traffic Manager—the default is 300 seconds, and the minimum is 30 seconds.

By using a larger TTL, you can increase the amount of caching done by recursive DNS servers and thereby reduce your DNS query charges. However, increased caching will also impact how quickly changes in endpoint status are picked up by end users, i.e. your end-user failover times in the event of an endpoint failure will become longer. For this reason, we don't recommend using very large TTL values.

Likewise, a shorter TTL gives more rapid failover times, but since caching is reduced the query counts against the Traffic Manage name servers will be higher.

By allowing you to configure the TTL value, Traffic Manager enables you to make the best choice of TTL based on your application's business needs.

15. If you provide write access to a blob, a user may choose to upload a 200GB blob. If you've given them read access as well, they may choose do download it 10 times, incurring 2TB in egress costs for you. Again, provide limited permissions, to help mitigate the potential of malicious users. Use short-lived Shared Access Signature (SAS) to reduce this threat (but be mindful of clock skew on the end time).

16.  Azure App Service charges are applied to apps in stopped state. Please delete apps that are not in use or update tier to Free to avoid charges.

17. In Azure Search, The stop button is meant to stop traffic to your service instance. As a result, your service is still running and will continue to be charged the hourly rate.

18. Use Blob storage to store Images, Videos and Text files instead of storing in SQL Database. The cost of the Blob storage is much less than SQL database. A 100GB SQL Database costs $175 per month, but the Blob storage costs only $7 per month. To reduce the cost and increase the performance, put the large items in the blob storage and store the Blob Record key in SQL database.

19. Cycle out old records and tables in your database. This saves money, and knowing what you can or cannot delete is important if you hit your database Max Size and you need to quickly delete records to make space for new data.

20. If you intend to use substantial amount of Azure resources for your application, you can choose to use volume purchase plan. These plans allow you to save 20 to 30 % of your Data Centre cost for your larger applications.

21. Use a strategy for removing old backups such that you maintain history but reduce storage needs. If you maintain backups for last hour, day, week, month and year, you have good backup coverage while not incurring more than 25% of your database costs for backup. If you have 1GB database, your cost would be $9.99 per month for the database and only $0.10 per month for the backup space.

22. Azure Document DB with the stored procedure is that they enable applications to perform complex batches and sequence of operations directly inside the database engine, closer to the data. So, the network traffic latency cost for batching and sequencing operations can be completely avoided. Another advantage to using stored procedure is that they get implicitly pre-complied to the byte code format upon registration, avoiding script compilation costs at the time of each invocation.

23. The default of a cloud service size is ‘small’. You can change it to extra small in your cloud service – properties – settings. This will reduce your costs from $90 to $30 a month at the time of writing. The difference between ‘extra small’ and ‘small’ is that the virtual machine memory is 780 MB instead of 1780 MB.

24. Windows Azure Diagnostic may burst your bill on Storage Transaction. If you do not control it properly.

We’ll need to define what kind of log (IIS Logs, Crash Dumps, FREB Logs, Arbitrary log files, Performance Counters, Event Logs, etc.) to be collected and send to Windows Azure Storage either on-schedule-basis or on-demand.

However, if you are not carefully define what you are really need for the diagnostic info, you might end up paying the unexpected bill.

Assuming the following figures:
  •  You a few application that require high processing power of 100 instances
  • You apply 5 performance counter logs (Processor% Processor Time, Memory Available Bytes, Physical Disk% Disk Time, Network Interface Connection: Bytes Total/sec, Processor Interrupts/sec)
  • Performing a schedule transfer for every 5 seconds
  • The instance will run 24 hours per day, 30 days per month

How much it costs for Storage Transaction per month?

5 counters X 12 times X 60 min X 24 hours X 30 days X 100 instances = 259,200,000 transactions

$ 0.01 per 10,000 transactions X 129,600,000 transactions =$ 259.2 per month

To bring it down, if you really need to monitor all 5 performance counters on every 5 seconds? What if you reduce them to 3 counters and monitor it every 20 seconds?

3 counters X 3 times X 60 min X 24 hours X 30 days X 100 instances = 3,8880,000 transactions

$ 0.01 per 10,000 transactions X 129,600,000 transactions =$ 38.8 per month

You can see how much you save for this numbers. Windows Azure Diagnostic is really needed but use it improperly may cause you paying unnecessary money

25. An application will organize the blobs in different container per each user. It also allows the users to check size of each container. For that, a function is created to loop through entire files inside the container and return the size in decimal. Now, this functionality is exposed at UI screen. An admin can typically call this function a few times a day.

Assuming the following figures for illustration:

  •  I have 1,000 users.
  •  I have 10,000 of files in average for each container.

  •  Admin call this function 5 times a day in average.
  • How much it costs for Storage Transaction per month?

Remember: a single Get Blob request is considered 1 transaction!

1,000 users X 10,000 files X 5 times query X 30 days = 1,500,000,000 transaction

$ 0.01 per 10,000 transactions X 1,500,000,000 transactions = $ 1,500 per month

Well, that’s not cheap at all so to bring it down.

Do not expose this functionality as real time query to admin. Considering to automatically run this function once in a day, save the size in somewhere. Just let admin to view the daily result (day by day).With limiting the admin to just only view once a day, what will be the monthly cost looks like:

1,000 users X 10,000 files X 1 times query X 30 days = 300,000,000 transaction

$ 0.01 per 10,000 transactions X 300,000,000 transactions = $ 300 per month

Monday, March 21, 2016

Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud-PartII

Cloud computing comes with myriad benefits with its various as-a-service models and hence most businesses consider it wise to move their IT infrastructure to cloud. However, many IT admins worry that hidden costs will lower their department’s total cost of ownership. 

We believe that it is more about estimating your requirements correctly and managing resources in the right way.

Microsoft Azure Pricing

Microsoft Azure allows you to quickly deploy infrastructures and services to meet all of your business needs. You can run Windows and Linux based applications in 22 Azure data-center regions, delivered with enterprise grade SLAs. Azure services come with:

  • No upfront costs
  • No termination fees
  • Pay only for what you use
  • Per minute billing

You can calculate your expected monthly bill using Pricing Calculator and track your actual account usage and bill at any time using the billing portal.

How To Save Cost On Azure Cloud?

1. Azure allows you to set a monthly spending limit on your account. So, if you forget to turn off your VMs, your Azure account will get disabled before you run over your predefined monthly spending limit. You can also set email billing alerts if your spend goes above a preconfigured amount.

2. It is not enough to shut down VMs from within the instance to avoid being billed because Azure continues to reserve the compute resources for the VM including a reserved public IP. Unless you need VMs to be up and running all the time, shut down and deallocate them to save on cost. This can be achieved from Azure Management portal or Windows Powershell.

3. Delete the unused VPN gateway and application gateway as they will be charged whether they run inside virtual network or connect to other virtual networks in Azure. Your account will be charged based on the time gateway is provisioned and available.

4. At least one VM is required to be running all the time, with one reserved IP included in 5 reserved public IP in use, in order to avoid reserved IP address charges. If you down all your VMs in service, then Microsoft is likely to reassign that IP to some other customer’s cloud service, which can hamper your business.

5. Minimize the number of compute hours by using auto scaling. Auto scaling can minimize the cost by reducing the total compute hours so that the number of nodes on Azure scales up or down based on demand.

6. When an end-user's PC makes a DNS query, recursive DNS servers run by enterprises and ISPs cache the DNS responses. These cached responses don't incur charge as they don’t reach the Traffic Manager Name servers. The caching duration is determined by the "TTL" parameter in the original DNS response. With larger TTL value, you can reduce DNS query charges but it would result in longer end-user failover times. On the other hand, shorter TTL value will reduce caching resulting in more query counts against Traffic Manager Name server. Hence, configure TTL in Traffic Manager based on your business needs.

7. Blob storage offers a cost effective solution to store graphics data. Blob storage of type Table and Queue of 2 GB costs $0.14/month and type block blob costs just $0.05/month.

A SQL Database of similar capacity will cost $4.98/month. Hence, use blob storage to store images, videos and text files instead of storing in SQL Database.

To reduce the cost and increase the performance, put the large items in the blob storage and store the blob record key in SQL database.

Above tips will definitely help you cut cost on Azure and leverage the power of cloud computing to the best!

Related Articles : Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Series

Part 1: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud

Part 2: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud

Part 3: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud-Part I

In general there are quite a few driving forces behind rapid adoption of cloud platforms off late, but within the industry Cost saving has been one of the most talked about reasoning. Though the key benefit from public cloud providers like Azure is its pay-as-you-go pricing model which makes customers immune of any capital investment.

But still If you observer it closely ,you will notice that the expenses in cloud start to add up and can soon get out of control if we are not practicing effective cost management. It needs attention and care to “Take Control over Your Cloud Costs” and decide about a better cost management strategy.

Under these Articles I will try to outline few of the Azure’s cost saving and optimization considerations .Its gonna be 3 part article first of this can be subtitled as “7 consideration for highly effective azure architecture “ because it covers the stuff from an architect’s point of view---

1. Design for Elasticity
Elasticity has been one of the fundamental properties of Azure that drives many of its economic benefits. By designing you architecture for elasticity you will avoid Over Provisioning of resources, that way you should always restrict yourself to use only what is needed. There are umbrella of service in azure which helps customers getting rid of under-utilization of resources. (Always make use of services like VM scale set & Auto scaling).
2. Leverage Azure Application Services (Notification, Queue, Service Bus etc.)
Application services in azure doesn’t only help you in performance optimization but they can greatly affect the cost of overall infrastructure. Judicially decide on which all are the service needed for your workload and provision them in optimum way. Make use of the existing service don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
When you install software’s to suffice the requirements there is a benefit of Customize features but the trade-off is immense you have to have an instance for this which intern restrict the availability of these software’s by tying in to a particular VM. Whereas if you choose different services from Azure you enjoy the inbuilt Availability, Scalability and High Performance with option of Pay as you go.
3. Always Use Resource Group
Keep the related resource in close proximity that way you can save money on communication among the services in addition to that application will get boost on performance as latency would no longer be a factor. In the latter articles I will specifically talk about other benefits this particular service can offer.
4. Off Load From Your Architecture
Try to offload as much as possible by distributing things to their more suited services it doesn’t only reduce the maintenance headache but help in optimizing the cost too.Move the session related data out of server, Optimize the infrastructure for performance and cost by caching and edge caching static content.

Combine Multiple JS & CSS files into one and then perform the Compression for minification. Once bundled into compressed form move them to azure blob.When you’re content (Static content) is popular frontend it with Azure Content delivery network. Use Blob + Azure CDN as it will reduce the cost as well as latency (depends on cache-hit ratio).For anything related to media streaming make use of Azure CDN as it frees you from running Adobe FMS.
5. Caching And Compression For CDN Content
After analyzing multiple Customer subscriptions, we can derive a pattern of modest to huge CDN spends. As a common practice, customers would have forgotten to enable caching for CDN resources either at origin servers like Azure Blob. You should enable compression for content like CSS, JavaScript, Text Files, JSON, HTML etc. to ensure cost savings on bandwidth. Also, frequently deploy production changes and often forget to enable caching & compression for static resources, dynamic content like text/HTML/JSON etc. We recommend you to have post-deploy job as a part of your release automation to ensure client side caching, server-side compression etc. are enabled for your application and resources.
6. Continuous Optimization In Your Architecture
If you are using Azure for the past few years, there is high possibility of using outdated services, Though once designed you should not do too much tinkering with architecture but it’s good to have a look and see if there are things which can be replaced with new generation service. They might be best fit for the workload and can offer same results in less expenses. Always match resources with the workload.
With that it doesn’t only give you instant benefits but offers you recurring savings in your next month’s bill.

7. Optimize The Provisioning Based On Consumption Trend
You need to be aware of what you are using. There is no need of wasting your money on expensive instances or services if you don’t need them. Automatically turn off what you don’t need, there are services like Azure Automation which can help you achieving that.Make use of azure service like auto-scaling, VM scale set and azure automation for uninterrupted services even when traffic tends to increase beyond expectations.Special mention for Azure DevTest- a service specially designed for Development and testing scenarios. With this service azure helps end users to model their infrastructure where they will be charged only for office hours (usually 8*5) these settings are customizable which makes it even more flexible.While dealing with Azure storage, make use of Appropriate Storage Classes with required redundancy options. Service like File Storage, Page-Blob, Block-Blob etc. have their specific purpose so be clear while designing your architecture.

Related Articles : Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Series
Part 1: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud
Part 2: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud
Part 3: Cost Optimization Tips for Azure Cloud